Friday, May 26, 2017

How to remove CocoaPods from Xcode / iOS project? in 5 Simple steps

Removing pods setup from XCode Project
Sometimes we need to remove the whole CocoaPod from XCode / iOS Project. Due to some limitations
If you really want to remove all CocoaPods integration you need to do the following 5 steps:
  1. Delete the standalone files (Podfile Podfile.lock and your Pods directory)
  2. Delete the generated xcworkspace
  3. Open your xcodeproj file, delete the references to Pods.xcconfig and libPods.a (in the Frameworks group)
  4. Under your Build Phases delete the Copy Pods Resources, Embed Pods Frameworks and Check Pods Manifest.lock phases.
  5. This may seem obvious but you'll need to integrate the 3rd party libraries some other way or remove references to them from your code.
After those steps you should be set with a single xcodeproj that existed before you integrated CocoaPods.

Removing Cocoapods from our System
If you want to Remove Cocoapods from your system,
Anyway try to use the following command on your terminal to uninstall/remove the coca-pods from your system.
sudo gem uninstall cocoapod

Also Checkout Bellow link :
If I missed anything let me know and I will edit this.

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